Juli-Ann Gasper

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play
Uncover the magic of the Arctic with “Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult.” This book is a fun trip through the letters of the alphabet, all set in the cool and beautiful Arctic. Dive into fun stories, amazing pictures, and cool facts about this icy world. Both child and adult readers will be delighted to learn about the plants and animals in the Arctic and how they cope with the extreme cold and climate change.
For each alphabet letter there are 1 or 2 features words, photographs, and critical thinking questions for child and adult to talk about. Then a BIG WORD page for kids who love big words gives additional explanations for the adult.
So, exactly what is a kittiwake? Check out the K page!
Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play
Learning opportunities about science and the natural world include the small (algae, barnacles, and reindeer poop), the large (reindeer, walruses, dolphins, and whales), and the amorphous (greenhouse gases). Photos by the author and her husband illustrate camouflage, permafrost, an up-close and personal walrus, and the oddly shaped eggs of the kittiwake
Professional Book Review

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult
Hollywood Book Review
Book Review by Manik Charturmutha
Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult by Juli-Ann Gasper transports readers into the mesmerizing realm of the Arctic, beckoning individuals of younger ages, as well as adults sharing in this reading experience, to delve into its marvels through the alphabetical framework. The adventure begins right from the start, immersing readers in a captivating exploration filled with wonder and learning. Gasper combines beautiful pictures with engaging stories, creating a perfect blend which educates and entertains at the same time. Gasper has crafted an exceptional educational resource in this alphabet book, suitable for both children and adults alike. The vivid photographs stimulate the imaginations of young readers while providing enriching content for adult readers. For example, younger readers will be mesmerized by the colorful illustrations and simple descriptions
accompanying each letter. For example, let’s look at the letter “P” for polar bears. In this part, Gasper draws a beautiful picture of the polar bear in its natural habitat with icy water and snowy mountains. The words that go along with it give us some interesting facts about polar bears, making it the perfect introduction to Arctic wildlife.On the other hand, adult readers will appreciate the depth of information provided on each page. Her writing strikes a perfect balance between educational content and lyrical prose, ensuring that readers can absorb new information while enjoying the narrative. By highlighting big words and adding additional information, the book not only explains concepts but also offers scientific explanations behind them. One of the main plot points of the book is conservation and environmental awareness. Gasper shows how important it is to take care of the Arctic and the animals living there, especially with things like climate change and people harming the environment. This exploration goes further by providing readers with insightful glimpses into the customs and heritage of the indigenous communities intimately connected with the Arctic’s terrain and seas. In addition to enriching understanding, each segment is accompanied by stimulating questions, providing valuable suggestions on how to interact with the content found on every alphabet page and its associated information page. The help of a vocabulary at the end leads to navigating through the book effortlessly, accompanied by links to further online resources for those interested in delving deeper into the subject matter. The illustrations used in the book are breathtaking. In the examination of the letter “I” for ice caps, Gasper offers readers valuable insights into the formation and importance of these frozen features in the Arctic. By illustrating how ice caps function as vital habitats for diverse Arctic wildlife, such as seals and polar bears, Gasper enhances readers’ comprehension of the Arctic ecosystem and the intricate relationships between its residents. Another example could be the letter “F” for Arctic fox; Gasper not only introduces children to this fascinating animal but also provides adults with exciting insights into its unique adaptations for survival in the harsh Arctic environment. Gasper’s inclusion of details such as the fox’s thick fur and stubby body enhances the educational value of the book for readers of all ages. Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play is engaging and enlightening. Its abundance of knowledge and visually striking illustrations make it a worthwhile asset to any home library collection.
Professional Book Review

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult
MainSpring Books
Book Review by Kat Kennedy
“Svalbard is home to a distinct population of reindeer; small, with short legs, snubbed muzzles, and chubby bodies.”
Inspired by a National Geographic Society-sponsored expedition to the Svalbard Archipelago, Norway, this alphabet book offers fascinating facts and photos about this far north land and its inhabitants. Both animals and concepts are presented using the alphabet. Each letter and the accompanying photos reflect knowledge gained by the author on the expedition as well as her extensive research. Questions are presented for further comprehension of each segment. The book offers parents ideas on how to use each alphabet page and its additional information page. There is also a vocabulary list at the end, which works as an index for finding information in the book. The author also includes links to websites for further study.
Gasper has created a wonderful source for children and adults in this alphabet book. The information can be tailored to even the youngest readers as the photos will foster their imaginations. Each alphabet page and its accompanying information page is filled with captivating details. The author includes notes on how to use the book and questions in each section to further understanding. There is information on the Arctic Circle and the specific species that live there. For example, for the alphabet letter F, there are pictures of the arctic fox with leading questions such as: “What season is this? What makes you think that?” There is also extended information about the arctic fox: “It has several adaptations for cold survival, including very deep thick fur, high supply of body fat, a stubby body to reduce surface area exposed to cold, and short thick ears. Also, the fox has a countercurrent heat exchange system in the blood vessels of its legs to keep its body heat concentrated in the body.” The beauty of the way information is presented in the book is its easy adaptation for any age. It could also be used in science classes in elementary school or even higher grades.
This is not only a book for children, however. There is plenty of information to keep adults interested in the book. For example, under the letter J the parasitic jaeger is introduced. On the information page, readers are given the “big word” kleptoparasite, meaning “it pirates food from other animals!” Examples are given of other arctic animals who steal from others. “Gulls that can’t dive will steal the fish that diving birds bring to the surface.” The letter K gives us insight into the book’s title. “Kittiwake is a seagull.” Following is information on the kittiwake, including “If you say it like ‘kitti waaaaaake’, it sounds like their call.” Information like this is sure to instill interest in young readers and parents alike. The book is filled with interesting details such as this on every page, making it a wonderful resource book for the home library.
This is an intellectually stimulating book that will delight both children and parents. It is also a wonderful book for adults as it is filled with captivating information. The photos are plentiful and include a wide variety of settings and animals. The book captures the imagination and offers a great deal of information to keep readers returning to its pages.
Professional Book Review

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult
MainSpring Books
Rating : Gold
A captivating journey through the alphabet, set against the mesmerizing backdrop of the Arctic.
Written by Juli-Ann Gasper, with the visual allure of photographs by both Joseph and Juli-Ann Gasper, this book is more than just an educational read—it’s an experience. As you flip through its pages, each letter of the alphabet unveils a new facet of the Arctic. From
the cunning Arctic Fox that starts with an “A” to the intriguing Zodiac at “Z”, the book is a treasure trove of Arctic wonders. The photographs are nothing short of breathtaking, encapsulating the raw beauty of this often-unexplored region. Beyond the alphabetic exploration, the book delves deeper with pages dedicated to providing richer details on each subject. This layered approach makes it a delightful read for kids who can marvel at the pictures and pick up new words, as well as for adults seeking a deeper understanding, complete with scientific insights and vocabulary enrichment. What truly sets “Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play” apart is its heartfelt emphasis on the pressing issue of climate change. The narrative seamlessly weaves in the science behind this global concern, making it digestible for readers of all ages. Moreover, it empowers its readers with actionable steps to make a difference, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding the Arctic and our planet. In essence, “Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play” is a harmonious blend of education and entertainment. For those with a penchant for the Arctic, wildlife, or environmental consciousness, this book is a must-have on your shelf. A resounding two thumbs up!
Professional Book Review

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult
Reader's Choice Book Awards
A captivating A to Z picture book, exploring the icy realms of the Arctic Circle.
Rating : 4 stars
An arctic-themed alphabet picture book by Juli-Ann Gasper. Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A-to-Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult is a delightful arctic-themed picture book by Juli-Ann Gasper, with stunning photography by
Joseph and Juli-Ann Gasper. The stories and pictures in the book are taken from an
expedition to Svalbard Archipelago, Norway, in July 2012. From A (Arctic Circle) to Z (Zodiac), this alphabet book provides fascinating insights into the landscape, inhabitants and culture of the Archipelago. Did you know that cats are banned on Svalbard because they attract bears? Or that Arctic Tern’s have the longest migration of any known animal? Or that Walruses are thigomatic, in other words, extremely tactile and sociable animals? Each page provides a description of the subject associated with the letter of the alphabet, alongside fascinating facts and figures. Each letter of the alphabet is accompanied by beautiful, colorful photography, which showcase the beauty and diversity of the Arctic Circle. The book uses the structure of the alphabet to introduce readers to the unique wildlife, breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage of this remote region. With lots of additional information at the end of this book, this alphabet book is a great resource for budding naturalists, explorers and anyone interested in nature or the environment. Both educational and entertaining, the book will appeal to young and adult readers. The content is accessible for young audiences, and it will help to build knowledge and vocabulary. The book also provides more depth information for older readers.
Professional Book Review

Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play: An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult
Pacific Book Review
Rarely do I read a book with such an impact in a children’s genre with vocabulary, information, imagery and education, as Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play by author and photographer Juli-Ann Gasper. During a trip to Norway’s Svalbard Archipelago in July of 2012 aboard the National Geographic Explorer, Juli-Ann and her husband Joseph have compiled a cornucopia of information and images which adorn this book’s pages, along with a photo-background on each page of ice-laden ocean photographs – which actually made me subconsciously feel the coldness and frost of the region. In a multi-informational format, the author presents fact after fact about life in the Arctic Circle, combining biology details about the wild animals and fauna, geography about the location on Earth, and interesting ecological details about the impact civilization has had upon the region. All of this is done with a stylish written-narration of confidence and intelligence, drilling down on the facts to the basic terms – for the entire reading audience’s comprehension and benefit. But it doesn’t mean she skimps over “large words” but rather defines the meanings and shows examples of how these concepts are important. This is a seasoned craft of teaching which is explementary. For example, what is a Saxifrage? She explains it being one of the most prolific of tundra flowers, and the staple in the diet of reindeer. The definition of the word “Kleptoparasite” can be deduced by “Klepto” from stealing and “parasite” from eating from another source, hence the bird called the Parasitic Joeger is a kleptoparasite because it steals other animal’s meals. Also, one of my favorites, a Guillemot; a sea bird which lives on vertical cliffs along the shore. The shape of their eggs is such that they don’t roll, but if nudged, they spin – thus not falling off the cliff. Amazing. The format of the book is extensively cross-referenced with both an index at the end and an alphabetical listing of many of the specific words used in a glossary. The author asks many questions throughout the book which will encourage a dialogue between adults and children paging the book together. The amount of information contained will embellish the understanding of both children and adults alike. Way Up North Where the Kittiwakes Play, An A to Z Alphabet Book for Child and Adult is a book not to be missed, and a must-read to be enjoyed by all members of families living below the Arctic Circle. It will reveal amazing facts to all readers, regardless of their age, but most certainly appeal to the limitless curiosity of youngsters.